The SCVCC Committee
Colin Hawke
Immediate Past Chairman
Alistair Day
Pauline Young
Nola Day
Club Captain
Gavin Munro, Michelle Munro, Kevin Manchester
Newsletter Editor
Les Rzepecky
Club Rooms Convenor
Sandy McMillan
Parts Manager / Trailer Hire
Barry Smith
Barry Barnes
IT Officer
Shannon Stevenson
Committee Members
Ross Hamilton
All of the above
Vehicle Categories
The SCVCC caters for the following Vehicle Categories.
Vehicles being generally defined as cars, trucks, motorcycles etc., and other self propelled conveyances capable of being used on public roads.
- Veteran Vehicles (VET) – Motor Vehicles constructed prior to 31 December 1918.
- Vintage Vehicles (VV) – Motor Vehicles constructed between 1 January 1919 and 31 December 1931.
- Post Vintage Vehicles (PVV) – Motor Vehicles constructed between 1 January 1932 and 31 December 1945.
- Post War Vehicles (PWV) – Motor Vehicles constructed between 1 January 1946 and 31 December 1960.
- Post 1960 Vehicles (P60V) – Motor Vehicles constructed between 1 January 1961 and 31 December 1980.
- Post 1980 Vehicles (P80V) – Motor Vehicles constructed after 1 January 1981 provided that no vehicle is accepted for this class until 1 January of the year that is thirty years after its original year of construction.
- Factory Built, and Historic Racing Vehicles (HRV) – Historic Racing Vehicles, which are at least in their thirtieth year since their year of original construction, plus Factory built racing cars no longer in production.
Life Members and 50 year Badge Holders
Our Branch can honour exceptional service to the Branch by awarding a life membership.
A life member of note was the late Stuart Hatton of Temuka who served many years as Branch Secretary and Swap Meet organiser.
A 50 year badge is a National award and is awarded for 50 years continuous membership. Our local Branch badge holders are:
- Terry Wilson (deceased)
- Alan Averis
- Eric Robins
- Russell Cross (deceased)
- Barry Barnes
- Colin Lyon (deceased)
- Alan Brehaut
- Rodney Don
- Kelvin Love (deceased)
- Derek Brownie
- Alan Hawke (deceased)
- Barry Smith
- Alan Miller
- Alvan Jones
- Ron Cooper
- Lionel Suter (deceased)
- Rodger Baird
- Brian Grace
- Ron Hammer
- Tony Hobbs
- Jeff Henderson
- Esme Jones
- Dave Diamond
- Max Rose
- Joyce Jones
A 60 year badge and certificate is a National award and is awarded for 60 years continuous membership. Members who have received this are:
- Terry Wilson (deceased)
- Alan Averis
- Eric Robins
- Barry Barnes
- Rodney Don
- Alan Brehaut
- Kelvin Love (deceased)
100 year Vehicle Badge
A badge is available for any vehicle over 100 years old. Contact Branch Secretary for details.
Club Insurance Scheme
See the VCC Branch Manual – click here
Vehicle Inspection Certificate
The Club has a scheme whereby members can complete a registration form and be issued with a vehicle inspection certificate. This can be of value when re-registering a vehicle of which the registration has lapsed. It is also a requirement that vehicles display their VIC sticker if they enter for a nationally sanctioned International, New Zealand, or North or South Island event.
The SCVCC has officers who undertake inspection certificates. To arrange this please contact:
Phone 03 688 5234